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Social circus 

Social cir­cus is a dyna­mi­cally deve­lo­ping form of work that uses cir­cus art as a means to achie­ve posi­ti­ve results in the social and men­tal aspects of per­so­na­li­ty and motor skills.
With the Czech non-pro­fit orga­ni­zati­on Duha, which has many years of expe­ri­en­ce in sup­por­ting and wor­king with chil­dren from chil­dre­n’s homes, we car­ry out cir­cus workshops with chil­dren from chil­dre­n’s homes using the­ir exis­ting artis­tic and sports skills. At the holi­day camp for chil­dren from chil­dre­n’s homes, we practi­se a per­for­man­ce toge­ther, which is then per­for­med at homes for the elder­ly, and also at muni­ci­pal fes­ti­vi­ties in the region.

We can come to your scho­ol, kin­der­gar­ten, children’s home. Do not hesi­ta­te to con­tact us by e‑mail: or by pho­ne: +420 702 001 601
Naše pro­jek­ty

Culture at schools 

Inter­nati­o­nal mee­ting, edu­cati­on and deve­lo­p­ment week in Ost­ra­va and Rey­kja­vík. We have cre­a­ted joint per­for­man­ces for pri­ma­ry scho­ols in the Mora­vi­an-Sile­si­an Regi­on, the Czech Repub­lic and Iceland.
We have laun­ched a joint pro­ject that will con­nect the cul­tu­res of the three coun­tries: young fans of the new cir­cus from Rey­kja­vík (Ice­land), Oslo (Norway) and Ost­ra­va (the Czech Repub­lic). In the spring of 2022, we will visit pri­ma­ry scho­ols in the Mora­vi­an-Sile­si­an Regi­on and Ice­land and intro­du­ce chil­dren to the world of cul­tu­re, sports, move­ment and art. The per­for­man­ce “Just Try It” carries ele­ments of the new cir­cus and points to the issue of bully­ing at scho­ols. We know from our own expe­ri­en­ce that the non-tra­di­ti­o­nal world of the new cir­cus bre­aks down barriers and this could help chil­dren bre­ak down the­ir barriers and show them how to cope with pro­blems con­cer­ning bully­ing or help them spe­ak to the­ir tea­chers or parents about it.

We can come to your scho­ol, kin­der­gar­ten, children’s home. Do not hesi­ta­te to con­tact us by e‑mail: or by pho­ne: +420 702 001 601

Non-verbal theater for preschoolers 

We have cre­a­ted a play of non-ver­bal the­a­ter for pre­scho­ol chil­dren, which tells a sto­ry about our natu­re and the envi­ron­ment and its relati­on­ship. This play will be per­for­med in parks and forest parks in towns and villages.

We can come to your scho­ol, kin­der­gar­ten, children’s home. Do not hesi­ta­te to con­tact us by e‑mail: or by pho­ne: +420 702 001 601